Complaints Procedure

At Dental Options we pride ourselves on the high quality of care we provide our patients. Our aim is to look after you as you as we wish to be looked after ourselves.

However, if you have any concerns or comments regarding your dental care, we will address these as a matter of priority.

We welcome all feedback, both positive and negative, regarding all feedback as an opportunity to learn and improve our service in the future.  

How do I complain?

You can make a complaint directly to your dentist or any member of the practice team, either verbally or in writing. 

How can I raise my concern or feedback?

Verbal and/or in person

A verbal complaint can be made in person or via telephone, the complaint will be immediately logged by the member of the team you talk to, and we will try and resolve your concerns at the time. If appropriate, the Practice Manager will discuss your complaint with you to try and resolve the situation.

As all of our dentists operate as independent practitioners, any complaint concerning clinical care will be immediately passed to your treating clinician, who will be available to discuss and resolve your concerns.

Written or Email

You can make a complaint in writing or via email for the attention of the Practice Manager or the dentist, and it will be handled as outlined below.

How will my complaint be handled?

  1. An acknowledgement letter/email of your complaint will be sent to you.

  2. If your complaint is about clinical care, it will be passed to your treating dentist so that they can respond to the complaint and resolve it.

3. If your complaint relates to a customer service issue it will be handled directly by the practice manager


What do I do if I’m not satisfied with the complaints process?

If you are unhappy with the progress of your complaint or would rather speak to our practice manager, please get in touch at or by calling 045-982483.

Please note that any complaints regarding your treatment will be forwarded to your Dentists for their review.

Following the response to your concerns, should you remain unhappy, you can contact the relevant independent bodies directly.

Dental Complaints Resolution Service

Tel: Mary +353 87 354 5842




Dental Council

Tel: +353 1 676 2069



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How do I complain?

You can make a complaint directly to your dentist or any member of the practice team, either verbally or in writing.

How can I raise my concern or feedback?

Verbal and/or in person

A verbal complaint can be made in person or via telephone, the complaint will be immediately logged by the member of the team you talk to, and we will try to resolve your concerns at this time. If appropriate, the Practice Manager will discuss your complaint with you to try and resolve the situation. As all our dentists operate as independent practitioners, any complaint concerning clinical care will be immediately passed to your treating clinician, who will be available to discuss and resolve your concerns.

Written or Email

You can make a complaint in writing or via email for the attention of the Practice Manager or the dentist, and it will be handled as outlined below.

How will my complaint be handled?

  1. An acknowledgement letter of your complaint will be sent to you.

  2. If your complaint is about clinical care, it will be passed to your treating dentist so that they can respond to the complaint and resolve it.

What to do if I’m not satisfied with the complaints process?

If you are unhappy with the progress of your complaint or would rather speak to our practice manager, please get in touch at or by calling 045-982483.

Please note that any complaints regarding your clinical treatment will be forwarded to your Dentist for their review.

Following the response to your concerns, should you remain unhappy, the relevant independent bodies are also available to you.

Dental Complaints Resolution Service

Tel Mary: +353 87 354 5842


Dental Council

Tel: +353 1 676 2069


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